Still life

Image that I like and why-

 I like this still life image as it shows how pretty the   nature and the animals in it are, this often isn't seen by  humans as they don't realise the true beauty which they are surrounded by.

 The still life artist that I like is Vladimir Shipulin because I like his stipe of work and how he produces shadows in his photographs .

Types of light used in still life photography- Light box, lighting reflectors, 

Three-Point Lighting System: How To Set Up Key, Fill And Backlight

Daniel Lindh- famous still-life cosmetic photographer

Cosmetic Lipstick Melted Still Life Photography, photographed by Still Life  Photographer Daniel LindhFragrance Pour Still Life Photography, photographed by Still Life  Photographer Daniel Lindh Cosmetic Eye Shadow Lipstick Still Life Photography, photographed by Still  Life Photographer Daniel Lindh  Daniel Lindh — King Management Agency

The lighting of these images is all focused on the subject, it is bright and the object is the centre of the image. These images all serve the purpose to advertise the products and do so well by probably using fill light, key light and back light or by being placed in a Lightbox. The angles used in these examples are at an eye level, most are at a 0 degree angle and some are slightly at -15 degree (hero view). The pink lipgloss for example is at a 90 degree angle(top down).

.More examples of his work:
Daniel Lindh Projects | Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding  on Behance Fragrance Spray Still Life Photography, photographed by Still Life  Photographer Daniel Lindh  Cosmetic Pink Colour Splash Still Life Photography, photographed by Still  Life Photographer Daniel Lindh  Cosmetic Lipstick Holiday Still Life Photography, photographed by Still  Life Photographer Daniel Lindh   Daniel Lindh from New York | Production Paradise  Daniel Lindh Armani Fragrance - King Management AgencyDaniel Lindh CAIA - King Management Agency

